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The figure under the feng shui view

In Eastern Digital, everything that exists and develops is dominated by the yin and yang rules. The Vinaya Principle we understand that the mutuality and existence of the source of energy form the physical and the rational of all things.
Marble is the law that inhibits and stimulates things to move and grow. Standing numbers form different meanings that imply good, bad luck or disaster. When combined together, it also forms another meaning that implies goodness but at the moment the meanings of each number are no longer reminded, which are complementary, and each other contributes to the good and the bad. sequence number. For example, the number 1 is the most beautiful star of Thuy, according to the name of the goddess Quái, the statue of it symbolizes the head of the profession of profession, symbolizing wisdom, consistency, development and the name language. No. 8 according to Thien Qua bát Quái, its statue is Bat Bach belong to the planet, symbolizing the Lord of Knowledge, intelligence, money and benefits brought stability. In this transport, these two numbers are good, because they contain positive motor energy. When considering separately, based on the postmodern meaning of each number, it is the nine stars of the Great Monsters.


When combined, it can be 18 or 81. We will go into the analysis to see what these two numbers mean:

- No. 81: No. 8 in conjunction with the number 1 followed by symbolic of the progressive movement (progress), so it contains the good. Divide the number into two halves, the first half is 8, according to the map of the Thien Qua Bat Qua; The second half is 1, according to the map of Thien Thien Bat Qua Can. Were on the floor under two interspersed joints into the double meridian of Ge Thien Thai just in time of communication, things are opened up development, blessing is coming. About that Marble is the resurrection of the Earth through Heaven. So 81 is a good number in all aspects. Easterners have always worshiped this number, and in modern science there is also a cosmological record for many measurements in the universe. This number is 8 is the number of yin, 1 is the number of yin, which implies the yin and yang balance, because the beast must only grow when the yin-Yang balance, if the balance is negative trend.

- No. 18: With the same logic as above, this number is 1 above, Khe 8 below, so the divine is the Celestial Belgium indicates the movement; The prosperity has given way to the recession because according to the Eastern philosophy, every movement is impermanent, moving all the way up to the constant change. 

- In the series of numbers, the five elements are considered as the five major elements that govern the sequence because in a sequence there can exist many kinds of five elements, they make up each other. Main elephants are always the last number, or if there are many numbers that coexist, then the five elements are the norm. Listing 81 belongs to Thuy, 18 of Tho. 

Principles considered for a beautiful or bad numbers: 

- Must have a number of gas as by the number in the 8th is gas, gas, gas will bring good luck nice.
- There must be the resemblance of five elements to avoid the contrast, for example 3388 is the contrast because 3 Bích Moc engraved 8 White Earth. 
- The five elements of the sequence must be compatible for the user. For example, 0915349988 turkish ancestors support the Turk, Kim 
- Yin Yin must balance, that is, there must be both Yang, Yin (even, odd) or most are two types of equal numbers. 
- The meaning of Bat Qua double combination must be good to avoid the bad as Divine Geisha 
- The operating numbers should be in the sense of the normal sense, we call the number of advances, avoid reverse numbers, Examples : 8876.

In the universe in general and the earth in particular, the two yin yang motivations form the universe or the material world is formed from the two yin and yang. The ancients divide the material world into five material categories, called the Marble, including: Kim, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth. 
The Ngu Hanh concept is one of the most fundamental of the Chinese mystical culture. The theory of the Five Elements was created and applied in the most complete and clear way in the work of the Emperor Inner Sutra. A work on ancient medicine used the theory of Marble to manipulate the healing. This work was published about 3000 BC. Thus, it can be said that this theory was formed before the birth of the I Ching.

The basic content of the Theory of the Five Elements is the materialist dialectical relationship between phenomena in the natural world. These five types of material mobilize, transform and influence each other into the natural, social and intellectual worlds. Ngu Hanh has both a stimulating effect and an inhibitory effect on each other, forming a universe that always moves in a spontaneous motion like the materialistic viewpoint of movement in Marxist-Leninist philosophy. It is widely used in all fields of science and life. 

Characteristics of the Five Elements are as follows: 
+ Carp: is a tree, wood in general, proliferating, long straight. Jupiter's gas makes everything smooth. 
+ Fire: is fire, light, hot properties upward. The air of the Fire makes everything grow, abundant.
+ Turkey: is land, large nature, chemical. Turkic's energy makes all things physically fit. 
Kim is a metal, quiet nature, museum. Kim's energy makes the universe come to life. 
Water: Water, cold solder down. Make the universe quiet, closing down. 

The Five Elements obey certain motions, there are two relationships between the two, namely, mutual and mutual relations, which represent the process of promoting, transforming, and inhibition of each other. 

Mutual means to co-ordinate, promote, support each other: Wood birch, earthworms, terrestrial Kim, Kim Bi, Irrigation Wood.
One can simply understand the law of the Five Elements as follows: Plants when burned generate fire, such as Wood Biosphere. When burned, the fire will turn into ash, the ashes return to the earth. So is the Turboburus. The land itself nourishes the metal. So is the birth of Kim. When metal melts, it turns into water, reflecting the rule of Kim. Thuy is the water to re-nourish the tree, which is Thuy sinh Moc. 

At the same time, the control over each other: wood carving Tho, Tho Thuy Hydro, Thuy etching Fire, Kim engraving, Kim carving.
One can simply understand the principle of Marble as follows: The grasses are based on the soil, absorbing all the fertility and essence of the soil to develop, reflecting the rule of Jupiter. Land used to prevent dykes, dams against water. So is Tho Thuy. Water used to extinguish the fire reflects the rules of hydrology. Fire melted metal should Blossom engraved Kim. The metal is made to cut trees, so Kim carved wood.

There are also other factors that people know about yin yang Five things to look at in this site we only introduce the basics for readers to master fundamentally. Very simple, in fact, Ngu Hanh symbolizes the material in the universe, the law of mutual resonance reflects the interaction of the material world. Although the material world is immense, infinite, the ancients can divide and discern rules that govern, which is miraculous.